Do resolutions stick? Maybe. Maybe not? This quote always inspired me to get up and count to three to make things happen. Yeah, that’s easy to say. Just do it? Yes, indeed just do it! But not like trying to tackle the whole goal, a complete new idea or a new lifestyle at once.
My personal 3 steps how to make goals happen:
- Create bite size chunks
For any personal goal you’d like to achieve in say one year, make it real by breaking it down in smaller pieces. When I decided to eat more plant based food, now 2 years ago, I started to eliminate meat first and added fruits & veggies I already really enjoyed. Once I got used to my new daily diet a few months later; I cut out chicken (I never ate pork) and added other new plant based food items I never had before to reward myself. Another way could be to make all your lunches plant based first and later add dinner or weekdays first and weekends later. You get my drift.
- Make it your ritual
If you have been following me, I am all about daily rituals. With all great goals and ideas you might have; if you are not making them part of your life every single day…the chances are they will never happen. Life takes place now right? Not tomorrow. So, eating a near 95% plant based diet (yes..invited at dinner parties I do eat some fish occasionally), my daily rituals have been impacted. Planning to get the right ingredients and cooking most weekdays at home has become a new habit to make certain I eat a balanced diet.
- Enjoy it
You might not fully embrace a change in your daily routine from day one. However, keep your eye on the prize. Why are you doing it in the first place? For me it was simply to live a healthier life and hopefully as a result to live longer. Without embracing that very personal reason to change habits; your daily trip to the gym or to stop smoking or spend more time outdoors or less time on social media, will become a big burden and not enjoyable. Keep your ‘why’ in mind when you are setting those goals as only then you will start to enjoy it.
I wish you a very inspiring, healthy and successful year, together with the people you love.
Happy New Year!